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10 Common Vulnerabilities in Cybersecurity

10 Common Vulnerabilities in Cybersecurity

10 Common Vulnerabilities in Cybersecurity

With the number of cyberattacks constantly increasing, businesses must strengthen their defenses to protect one of their most valuable assets: their data. To do this, you must first understand what the vulnerability is before you can take action to remediate the vulnerability in your data protection system.

In a webinar on the topic of the Dark Web, Paul Jackson, Asia Pacific Regional Representative from Kroll, mentioned 10 cybersecurity vulnerabilities facing enterprises.

1.Cybersecurity: Lack of preparedness Cyberattacks

are occurring more frequently and in more complex patterns, both on a regional or global scale. So businesses are not in a position to be left unprotected. Organizations should test their security systems before an attack occurs, so that they are ready to respond when needed. If an attack cannot be predicted and responded to in advance, the company will inevitably incur significant costs as it is difficult to resume work afterwards.

2.Cybersecurity: To be prepared for the Buddha's threat

, businesses need to understand what the threat is. jigsaw. Knowing your enemies and knowing your weak assets is key. In addition to keeping a close eye on the latest technological advances, companies can also get information from the dark web to understand where threats are.

3.Cybersecurity: Lack of Preemptive Action

Hackers even after breaking into corporate networks simply wait for a suitable attack opportunity. It is recommended that businesses actively prevent hacking attempts and block attacks in advance. To do this, it is necessary to have a suitable monitoring system or search the dark web to find vulnerabilities or attack points in the corporate security system.

4:Cybersecurity: Lack of Surveillance Systems

To identify threats in advance, you need to ensure that you have the right surveillance solution in place. Businesses need to take immediate action on anomalies occurring in their networks or endpoints to minimize their vulnerability to attacks or phishing.

5.Cybersecurity: Vulnerable to

Fraud Vulnerabilities to fraud and abuse exist in processes that involve people. Without the right surveillance devices in place, a company's security system can be compromised.

6.Cybersecurity: Mobile/Home/Travel Security

Today, it is common for corporate employees to work on the go or out of the office. This means that no matter what form of cybersecurity scheme you are running, your security must extend beyond the perimeter of your office. Mobile devices and laptops must be equipped with security devices, and employees must be aware of the risks and countermeasures.

7. Cybersecurity:  In addition to third-party and supplier risk

security systems and employees, it is also essential to ensure that robust cybersecurity measures and policies are implemented by the third parties and business partners of the enterprise. Businesses should have regular and systematic methods in place to review and evaluate the security posture of external parties to prevent hackers from breaking into corporate networks by attacking external loopholes.

8. Cybersecurity: Incident handling

companies must ensure that appropriate risk management is implemented in the event of an accident. It is necessary to prepare detailed crisis response plans and conduct regular rehearsals so that everyone is clearly aware of their responsibilities and roles. Mishandling of incidents can lead to far higher costs and a loss of reputation, leaving you in a difficult-to-recovery state.

9.Cybersecurity: Internet of Things (IoT)

With the increasing connectivity between devices and systems through the Internet of Things, cyberattacks, which were formerly isolated and isolated, are now recognized as a much more serious problem. Hackers may be able to figure out how to get into a particular system through a more easily accessible, less secure route. It's hard to track, and in an ever-evolving world, it's impossible to break the link between devices and systems.

10. Cybersecurity: Human Risk

Employees are the biggest weakness in corporate cybersecurity, but they can also be your best defense. A malicious employee could sell confidential information or even allow hackers to break into corporate networks. Also, an ignorant employee may unwittingly keep an intrusion path open for hackers. However, employees who are aware of the risks and trained on the signs to look for in the event of an intrusion are the first line of defense in corporate cybersecurity. Make sure your employees are familiar with the risks and countermeasures.
