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Community: Artificial intelligence and machine learning


Community: Artificial intelligence and machine learning


Description of community Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a group created to be the platform that link trade professional , beginners and all passionate about AI and ML  around the world ,different majors to share thoughts and exchange informations and experiences. 

This community is comprised of a compassionate group of 175000 individuals who are very quick to lend support.

Join this community is a contribution to the performance of a group in movement, opened and fascinating.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Founder: 

Mr Sumanta Das Bairagya

He worked on various AI technologies


Community: Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Mr Samanta has demonstrated as a community founder his great technical expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Within this community, he always proves on many occasions his team player spirit, not hesitating to go out of his perimeter to help members 

He easily integrated the demanding standards of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and was able to energize community members towards continuous improvement.

Group link: click here



