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Information security risks and countermeasure solutions

Get to know information security risks and countermeasure solutions

Increasingly, individuals own multiple devices and each and every employee in business is using mobile tools. This situation will continue to accelerate, and the diversification of mobile tools used in business will continue. Under such circumstances, it is important to understand information security risks and to be prepared and aware of cyber attacks in order to safely utilize mobile tools.

This time, let's check what kind of information security risks there are and look at security solutions for them.

Types of information security risks

Information security risk refers to the possibility of threatening information systems and the data they handle, causing damage or impact. "Threats" can be broadly divided into two types. Human threats and environmental threats.

Artificial threat

Human threats can be further divided into two.

Accidental threat:
Human error This is a so-called human error.
The cause may be an inadvertent mistake or erroneous operation. Correct data may not be stored, and it may lead to data loss or information leakage.

Intentional threat:
This is an attack by a third party. For example, unauthorized intrusion, virus infection, data tampering, spoofing, etc.
If you suffer from these damages, you may not be able to use the tools normally, and there is a risk of information leakage and virus infection of your business partners and customers.

Environmental threat

This includes natural disasters such as earthquakes, thunderstorms (storms), typhoons, and floods.

Information security preparedness and solutions

Now let's consider what measures are effective against each threat.

At the same time, we will introduce solutions that can be utilized to find out what kind of preparations can lead to risk aversion.

Preparation and solutions against accidental threats

As a countermeasure against accidental threats, it is considered most important to improve the awareness of the operator and the operation technique.

For that purpose, let's carry out training for the purpose of improving operation skills, and continue education and enlightenment activities.

In addition, one of the accidental threats is that the version of the device or equipment you are using is still in an old state or maintenance is not sufficient, so keep the system or equipment you are using up to date. It is also necessary to keep things.

Another solution is to introduce management features that prevent you from inadvertently downloading applications or visiting suspicious websites on your business devices. For these measures, we recommend Business Concierge Device Management, which is mobile device management (MDM). Multiple terminals can be centrally managed and operated remotely, information can be grasped from employees' smartphones and tablet terminals, and application management can be performed remotely even if the terminal is lost.

Preparation and solutions for intentional threats

For various types of threats such as attacks and unauthorized access, it is important to understand the threats and take countermeasures for each.

For example, you need to keep your network environment secure and prevent eavesdropping and unauthorized access in advance. As for countermeasures against the latest malware, it is also effective to install security software on terminals such as devices and PCs to be used, and to manage so that websites and applications are not used carelessly.

It is also necessary to introduce a system that detects and prevents special threats such as DDoS attacks that impose a load that exceeds the communication bandwidth and server processing capacity and cause the service to stop functioning.

We mentioned it as a countermeasure against accidental threats, but it is possible to reduce the vulnerability to threats by updating the mobile and PC systems you are using to the latest version.

The security platform of the cloud-based data analysis platform "Cybereason" is a service that can collect endpoint logs and detect signs of invading malware cyber attacks in real time. In addition, SoftBank offers various security countermeasure solutions, so it is a good idea to consult when implementing security measures tailored to each stage.

Preparations and solutions for environmental threats

Environmental threats, which are mainly natural disasters, cannot be eliminated. The first thing to consider is to maintain the accumulated data. Furthermore, even if a company's business office is damaged, as long as a PC is secured and the Internet environment is in place, it is necessary to be ready to use the data and restart the business as soon as possible. For that purpose, the use of the cloud will be effective.

For example, if you not only store a huge amount of data safely, but also prepare an environment where tools that can be used for business can be used in the cloud, it is highly possible that you can respond without creating a blank time for business activities.

Cloud-based groupware such as Google Workspace provided by SoftBank can also be used as a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) measure.

Collaboration with companies that identify the current situation and propose countermeasures

When considering information security in business, including environmental threats, it is important to know various threats first. Let's start by identifying the vulnerabilities in the existing system that your company is using. If your system is old or your software or application version is not up to date, you will need to start by building the latest environment.

It is also important to always keep in mind the awareness and technical improvement when using the device.

At the same time, with regard to intentional threats, threats such as attack methods and viruses are evolving, so countermeasures must continue to evolve. However, it would be impossible to handle it all in-house.

Therefore, what I would like to consider is cooperation with companies that can receive countermeasure proposals and operational support. At SoftBank, we have prepared a large number of solutions related to corporate information security, and we can receive proposals suitable for each case. By collaborating with such companies from the beginning of thinking about security measures, it may be possible to realize a more effective and efficient secure environment.
