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What is big data Introducing examples of data utilization by cloud

What is big data Introducing examples of data utilization by cloud

What is big data? Introducing examples of data utilization by cloud

Recently, I often hear the word "big data". With the development of the IT industry, the amount of data handled is explosively increasing in various fields.

Data is an important information asset for businesses. 

By accumulating data over the long term and analyzing the obtained data, it is possible to objectively and multilaterally determine future actions. 

Therefore, many people may be considering a data storage mechanism within their company.

In this article, we will introduce everything from the basic contents of big data to examples of using big data using the cloud. 

What is big data?

When you hear the word "big data", why not imagine a large amount of data? 
In the IT Glossary, big data is defined as follows.
Big data is a huge group of data that is difficult to record, store, and analyze with conventional database management systems. 
There is no clear definition, and it is often used as a marketing term for corporate information system manufacturers.

In many cases, big data is not only a large amount of data, but also unstructured data and atypical data that include various types and formats, and time series that is generated and recorded enormously every day. 
Often refers to something that has real-time characteristics.

By recording and storing such data groups that have been overlooked because they cannot be managed until now and immediately analyze them, useful knowledge for business and society can be obtained, and a new mechanism that has never existed before. 
It is said that the possibility of producing a system or system will increase.
In addition, big data is defined to consist of the following "three Vs", each of which has important meaning.

Variety (data type)
Velocity (frequency of data occurrence / update)
In other words, keep in mind that big data does not simply mean the size of the amount of data, but is a term that contains various elements in a complex manner.

What is the difference and relationship between big data and the cloud?

The difference between big data and the cloud

"Big data" and "cloud" are often confused, but they are distinctly different. 
Big data is "data itself" as explained in the previous chapter. 
From a complex point of view, data groups that meet specific conditions are called big data.

On the other hand, cloud is a word that means "virtual infrastructure on the Internet". Instead of storing data on terminals such as PCs and smartphones, storing it in a virtual space (server) existing on the Internet and operating it is called cloud computing.

Keep in mind the differences between big data and the cloud, as they are quite different in nature.

Relationship between big data and the cloud

Big data can be used in all aspects of corporate activities, but the extraction destinations and formats are diversifying, and the granularity of the data is also extremely fine. 
In other words, it can be said that centralized management of big data on its own server is becoming unrealistic.

On the other hand, by managing big data in the cloud, it is possible to reduce the operational load on the server and access the data regardless of the terminal or location. 
If you are considering using big data in the future, we strongly recommend managing big data in the cloud.

Benefits of using big data

By leveraging big data, businesses can enjoy many benefits. Advances in computer technology have dramatically increased the speed of data processing. 
Big data is no exception, and it is possible to process and analyze data in a short time.

By analyzing huge amounts of big data, you can make new discoveries about your company's challenges and future strategies. 
For example, by extracting and solving business issues, it is possible to directly lead to cost reduction, or to formulate marketing strategies from customer data and lead to increased sales of the company.

In addition, with the development of AI technology, it is possible to realize not only data analysis but also hypothesis presentation. 
In other words, you can consider an action plan based on objective data without the large amount of data becoming a treasure trove.

No matter how good a sales person is, it is impossible to input a large amount of data about products and customers into the head. However, by utilizing big data, its operation becomes possible. 
It can be said that big data, which correctly guides the direction of the company, is indispensable for surviving the rapidly changing New Normal era.

Disadvantages of using big data

While big data has many advantages, it also has disadvantages. The most important thing to remember is the problem of information leakage. 
Big data contains a lot of confidential company data, including customer information, so in the unlikely event of an information leak, it will be an irreversible situation.

Also, because big data has a huge amount of information, there is a risk of falling into a situation where you do not know how to utilize the data. 
It is important to clarify the purpose and purpose of the data that you want to analyze and utilize in-house, and proceed with planning.

When utilizing big data, it is necessary to understand these disadvantages and consider operations that reduce risk as much as possible. 
However, when weigh the pros and cons, many companies will find the benefits strong.

Examples of using big data in the cloud


In recent years, there have been conspicuous movements aimed at innovation in the financial field by utilizing big data, and these movements are collectively called "FinTech". The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications classifies FinTech into four types: "payment / remittance," "asset management," "financing / procurement," and "blockchain," and there are cloud solutions that match each type.

For example, "payment / remittance" solutions include PayPal and Apple Pay. By utilizing the cloud platform, personal information such as credit cards and bank accounts are linked with the payment terminals of each store to realize a highly convenient cashless payment system.

Not only personal information but also various information such as purchase history and sales management are converted into big data and stored in the cloud. As you can see, big data is used behind the advanced services in each field.

EC site

Yahoo! provides many services other than search sites, and possesses a wide range of big data. 
And by utilizing those data together with the AI ​​technology that we own, we are conducting various analyzes every day.

One example is Yahoo! Shopping. 
By analyzing the user's search history and purchase history together, we have improved product recommendations to new users. 
As a result, the click rate has improved 4.5 times.

In addition to Yahoo !, other EC sites such as Rakuten and Amazon have also improved the purchase rate and user satisfaction through customer analysis using big data.

Home center

At a certain home improvement store, we succeeded in identifying areas with high customer unit prices by accumulating and analyzing data such as sales, employee behavior, and product display. 
In some cases, by focusing employees in the area, it was possible to prevent customers from being missed, and the sales amount increased by 15%.

The healthcare field is one of the fields where big data utilization is highly expected. "DPC (Diagnosis Procedure Combination)" is a well-known current initiative.

DPC is a system in which a medical institution anonymously submits medical expense data to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare aggregates and announces it. 
Since data such as height, weight, disease name, and treatment details are accumulated for each hospital, it is thought that it can be used for evaluation and improvement at the individual hospital level and community medical level.


In the marketing industry as well, the movement to utilize big data is progressing. For example, by linking online behavior such as website visit history and purchase history on EC sites with offline purchasing behavior, "customer journey analysis" that crosses online and offline has been realized.

The customer journey is a term that describes the process from the customer's product recognition to purchasing. 
By analyzing the customer journey, we are now able to approach our customers at the right time. This approach is also a result of big data analysis of customer behavior.


An automobile manufacturer collects data on car navigation systems equipped with communication functions for more than 200 million kilometers every month. 
By analyzing the collected results, we can find out the points where sudden braking is often applied and the places where accidents occur frequently, and provide it as information to support safe driving.


Big data is used in fields such as typhoon course prediction, precipitation probability, and temperature prediction. 
We are working to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts by accumulating data such as weather maps, temperature, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed, and collating them with past patterns.
