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Innovating the medical industry with artificial intelligence 2022


Innovating the medical industry with artificial intelligence 2022

Innovating the medical industry with artificial intelligence 2022

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, healthcare, analysis platform

How are consumers accepting artificial intelligence (AI) , which is rapidly being introduced into various industries ? A recent SAS survey of 500 Americans found that consumers were more comfortable with AI technology in the healthcare industry than in finance or retail.

In particular, 47% of respondents said they would be happy to receive help from AI technology even during surgery. Another 6 in 10 (60%) felt comfortable with their doctors using data from wearables such as Apple Watch or Fitbit to assess and advise on lifestyle.

Indeed, artificial intelligence is rapidly entering the healthcare sector, providing new solutions to complex and costly medical problems. Successful use of artificial intelligence requires building an analytics organization that thinks analytically, and building an analytics platform as part of that effort.

Artificial intelligence makes machines learn from experience on their own, adapt to new inputs, and perform tasks like humans. From chess-playing computers to self-driving cars, most examples of AI we hear rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing (NLP) . With these technologies, computers are trained to perform specific tasks by processing vast amounts of data and recognizing patterns.

In the medical field, artificial intelligence uses algorithms and software to analyze complex medical data at a level similar to human cognition. Its key purpose is to analyze the relationship between preventive or therapeutic techniques and their patient outcomes.

Why do you need an analytics platform?

Although large investments are being made in both the existing AI environment and the innovative new AI environment, most AI projects, except in the high-tech industry, are still in the prototype stage. It's rare for us to deliver the level of business value we expect. A key challenge is to create operational AI applications and embed them into enterprise business processes.

To be successful, you need an analytics platform. Analytics platforms are software-based, designed to gain insights from data in any computing environment. The platform supports the entire analytics lifecycle, from data-discovery-deployment, based on strategies that drive business action from analytics insights.

Based on an analytics platform, you can develop scalable and integrated security models—that is, managed and governed AI applications. The application can also evolve to support the end-to-end analytics lifecycle.

Companies that develop and deploy artificial intelligence applications using SAS Viya , an enterprise analytics platform for AI utilization of SAS , are experiencing the following major benefits.

·       It utilizes artificial intelligence technologies such as deep learning and natural language processing.

·       We use artificial intelligence techniques that support prototyping, development, testing, and even production. In other words, the industrialization of artificial intelligence applications within the enterprise is possible.

·       Join new innovative ecosystems application programming interfaces (APIs) to enhance and add capabilities such as data transformation, distributed machine learning, and automated deployment.

How can artificial intelligence be used to improve healthcare?

Applying artificial intelligence to advanced analytics and predictive models based on new and historical behavioral data enables healthcare professionals to spot patterns and make diagnoses from both statistical and real-time data.

Numerous companies are investing a lot of resources to develop artificial intelligence algorithms. Successful introduction of algorithms into production environments can unlock the true value of artificial intelligence. In other words, it can be applied to actual hospitals to derive results. Many healthcare companies struggle because they don't have the right analytics platform for this very process.

Data set visualizations that provide a starting point for healthcare companies are critical as they embark on their analytics journey. Businesses can add algorithms for more predictive results when they know what to focus on.

Improve diagnostic speed and quality

Patients expect their disease to be diagnosed quickly and treated accurately. However, not all hospitals meet this requirement. The key is to improve the foundation to increase the speed and quality of disease diagnosis. This will benefit both hospitals and patients.

Early detection of cancer with artificial intelligence

Early diagnosis is very important in cancer treatment. If cancer is detected at an early stage, it is more likely to be treated and more lives can be saved. This is possible with the introduction of new forecasting technologies.

Artificial intelligence makes machines learn from experience, adapt to new inputs, and perform tasks like humans. For example, combining 10 years of biochemical blood test data with analytics platform technology can train artificial intelligence to identify patterns in new data and predict cancer early.

Practical Case: Fighting Hospital Infections with Artificial Intelligence!

Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm and Sygehus Lillebælt in Denmark are collaborating to develop an artificial intelligence algorithm that predicts the risk of hospital-acquired infections for inpatients. The goal is to develop a model that predicts hospital-acquired infections an average of 5 days ahead of doctors.

This predictive model is based on a variety of data types, including structured data from laboratories and unstructured data such as medicines and diagnoses, medical records of patients' treatment, and x-ray examination history.

If preliminary testing is approved, the AI ​​algorithm will be applied to all hospitals in Stockholm County and southern Denmark, a revolutionary technology that will change the lives of patients. A world where an accurate diagnosis and treatment can be made in the shortest time with artificial intelligence is approaching
