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How artificial intelligence drives science and research

How artificial intelligence drives science and research

How artificial intelligence drives science and research

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been infiltrating our daily lives . In fact , most of us are within the sphere of artificial intelligence . Examples include product recommendation algorithms in social networks or chatbots . Simply put ,  AI is any machine that behaves in a way that would be considered smart and intelligent if a human would do the same .    

A wide range of industries are exploring the use of artificial intelligence . This is because it has the potential to dramatically reduce the labor and time required for work , and to imitate human intellect . Artificial intelligence has incredible potential to change the course of science . Although its application in the field of research is still in its infancy , the realm of possibilities that artificial intelligence can open to researchers is endless.     There seems to be no . Let 's look at a few . 

Artificial intelligence: data analysis

Over the years , the ability of researchers to create and store data has increased sharply to the extent that it is truly a 'data flood' .    Analyzing the patterns and meanings of this  wide range of data  has been a challenge for researchers . Deep learning technologies can play a decisive role in making data analysis tasks  easier . Gadi Singer, vice president of Intel's Artificial Intelligence Products Group , said : “ If you train the  machine on enough cases  through deep learning technology, it  can predict the outcome with a given  accurate model . how many hours or      It means we can do something that took  days to do in seconds .”

Artificial intelligence: new discovery

The combination of deep learning technology, an AI learning method that mimics human intelligence, and human intelligence opens up new possibilities for researchers . Speaking of machine learning,  Singer said, “ The possibilities are  endless , like mutated DNA . ” Says. AI is  also used by pharmaceutical companies, enabling large-scale experiments. “  Extracting new information from  academic papers and enabling hypothesis  testing. “  This could lead to amazing drug discovery  . In this way, artificial intelligence is  helping researchers in challenging fields .              

Artificial intelligence: journal process

Academic publishing is an inseparable part of conducting research . One of the concerns of most journal editors and peer reviewers is whether they can detect problems with the data , statistics , references , and images of the manuscripts they review . Also , plagiarism investigation is another important process in manuscript evaluation . Artificial intelligence can help journal staff and researchers to discover problems efficiently and precisely .       

In some fields of scientific discovery and publication , artificial intelligence has   already reached the stage of application . Let 's take a closer look at this . 

Artificial intelligence: Conduct literature review

Data underlie all research, and reviewing the existing  literature is an   important step in the research process  . With the amount of literature published in recent years  growing exponentially, performing a literature review usually takes a significant amount of time . Literature search tools powered by artificial intelligence are helping researchers do this quickly and effectively . For example , computer scientist Christian Berger started researching autonomous vehicles .        When we did , we realized we had to review over 10,000  existing documents  . This would take months , but with , an artificial intelligence -powered tool , Christian was  able to map thousands of documents and categorize them by subject to complete a literature review in a fraction of the time .       

Artificial intelligence: Journal process assistant

Journals that need to review hundreds of submitted manuscripts are a good place to apply  AI technology  . One of the most difficult tasks for journal editors is verifying the authenticity of submitted manuscripts and finding peer reviewers for promising papers . Some editors are turning to artificial intelligence tools to help find suitable peer reviewers , manage submissions , and even make manuscript approval decisions . a few months ago     , peer review platform ScholarOne announced a partnership with AI software company UNSILO to “ enhance efficiency by supporting editors’ decision- making and  reducing the time  spent screening manuscripts ” . Artificial intelligence is playing an important role in simplifying the challenges facing editors and reviewers, and making the journal publishing process faster and more efficient .        

Are there any restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence ?

Artificial intelligence is considered by many to be the future of science and research, but is it without limitations ? While some scholars envision the future of automated science , computer scientist Christian Berger warns : “ No research engine can automatically answer every question . ” Although artificial intelligence can support scientific discoveries, it is not necessary for humans to understand the results or analyzes produced by artificial intelligence .      Insight is still needed . Another problem is that AI -based tools and software are expensive, and these expensive tools are only accessible to a small number of researchers .   

Scientific trends being automated tend to convey the belief that analysis of results will be accurate and reliable without bias . However , the defenseless use of artificial intelligence in the process of journal publishing may require sanctions . For example , author and editor Douglas Haven comments  on the use of AI in the peer review phase : “ Machine learning tools that have learned from existing publications can take advantage of existing biases in peer review.                   It can be strengthened .” Therefore , human intervention and decision- making will continue to play an important role even as our reliance on artificial intelligence increases .

However , in spite of these limitations, it is clear that artificial intelligence will be the future of scientific development and progress that will push science to new heights .  
